Instead of discovering France through a keyhole,
why don’t you push the door open?

Let Art Help You To Learn French

© Brigitte Isaeff. Tout droit de reproduction réservée

“ Do you realize that the limiting factor to your discovery of French culture is your fluency in French.

There are hundred ways of learning French which all call for an effort on your part. I am offering you a new and unique approach: learning French through Art and Creation.

if Art approach appeals to you, come and join our group of Art Evaluation and Art Creation. The French Language will come naturally as part of the creative process.

See by yourself : you’ll be surprised by the progress in French you can make by art study and practice ”
Pastel ............ Acrylic ............Collage


Presentations of a few 19th and 20 th French painters, their options in art and their work
Study and discussion of some specific work of art by those artists and others
Choice of media, techniques and subjects for students’own expression
Creation by the students themselves (painting, collage, pastel, charcoal...)
Presentation of the drafts achieved by the students and discussion of further developments

The key to the whole approach is dialogue... with the instructor(s) and with other members of the group under strict control of the Quality of the French Spoken.